PDESoft 2024


G+Smo: geometry + simulation modules for isogeometric analysis

Hugo Verhelst (TU Delft)
Angelos Mantzaflaris (University of Côte D'Azur, Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
Matthias Möller (Delft University of Technology)

 13:30 - 14:45 on  Wednesday 3 Julyfor  15min

Since its introduction in 2005, Isogeometric analysis (IGA) aims to bridge the gap between computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) by employing splines as the basis for design and analysis. The Geometry + Simulation modules (G+Smo) are bottom-up dedicated to IGA: the whole library is built around spline objects. After 12 years of development, the G+Smo project contains state-of-the-art geometric modelling techniques for fitting and parameterization of splines, assemblers and solvers for isogeometric analysis, and off-the-shelf solvers for solid, shell and fluid mechanics. The library is cross-platform and natively developed in C++, but interfaces to C, Fortran, MATLAB, Julia and Python are provided.

In this contribution, we present some highlights of the G+Smo library, including (i) design principles of the library with examples in geometric modelling; (ii) generic expression assembly for isogeometric analysis; and (iii) interfaces to other programming languages.

 Overview  Program