PDESoft 2024

PDE software frameworks conference, 1-3 July 2024, Cambridge, UK


The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) is important across a wide range of fields. Simulation codes underpin this need and are employed in many areas of science and engineering, from forecasting the weather, to predicting the flow field around aircraft, through to predictive simulations for biomedical applications, amongst many other examples.

PDESoft 2024 is an opportunity for users and developers of software tools for solving PDEs and allied areas to come together to present and discuss current and future directions of research.

Areas of focus include:

PDESoft 2024 was be held at the Møller Institute, Churchill College, Cambridge.

PDESoft 2024 follows in the successful footsteps of PDESoft 2012 in Münster, PDESoft 2014 in Heidelberg, PDESoft 2016 in Warwick and PDESoft 2018 in Bergen.



The schedule features three invited speakers:

Alongside these speakers, there were 36 contributed talks on a range of topics. The full schedule for PDESoft 2024 can be found on the schedule page.



Many photos that were taken during PDESoft 2024 have been posted on the conference’s LinkedIn page.



A topical collection for PDESoft is planned to be included in the new journal Computational Science and Engineering, which has a focus on reproducibility with code review. We hope that many participants in the PDESoft conference will be able to contribute.



Registration to attend PDESoft 2024 is now closed. Registration includes:

More information can be found on the registrations page.


Travel and accommodation

Accommodation was not included in the conference fee. We recommended one of the following options:

The conference began at 10:00am BST on Monday 1 July and ended at 3:00pm BST on Wednesday 3 July. The Møller Institute is easily reachable from Cambridge rail station by bus or taxi.

More information can be found on the travel and accommodation page.


Scientific committee


Local organising committee

You can contact the local organising committee with any questions about the conference by emailing contact@pdesoft.org


Code of conduct

We request that all conference attendees adhere to our code of conduct (based on the Contributor Covenant). Any issues and concerns can be raised by approaching any of the conference organisers at the conference, or by contacting the team at conduct@pdesoft.org